Evaluation and review

“The most serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question” – Peter Drucker

Independent review and evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analysing and using information to assess the impact and effectiveness of any change and improvement.

It is calculated by testing:

  • What works?
  • What has a positive or negative impact?
  • What is being done that needs to stop?
  • What needs to change?
  • What will provide a positive social or financial return on investment?

The 5 main reasons our clients decide to undertake a review are:

  • Finding out what works and what does not work – A process or outcome evaluation helps managers and leaders to answer the basic questions about effectiveness. Knowing what works helps to focus resources and time when moving forward.
  • Showcasing the effectiveness to key stakeholders, partners, communities, and funders – Evaluation findings can demonstrate how changes to service and working practices have delivered improvements
  • Improving how people and teams work through engagement – By supporting and engaging the workforce to respond positively to changes. This is achieved by contextualising the changes, listening and feeding back their ideas and views on further improvements.
  • Planning for the future – Conducting an evaluation with an outside evaluator will build an organisations capacity to conduct critical self-assessments e.g. needs assessments, and staff performance.
  • Building knowledge – Contributing to the evidence-base on what works for your business can have wider benefits to society, especially those with similar challenges in their own teams.

We use a range of evidence based evaluation tools and approaches. These include:

  • Qualitative and quantitative e.g. questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups.
  • Impact assessments.
  • Rapid assessment and critical reviews.
  • Multi-site evaluation.
  • Organisational diagnostics.
  • Team effectiveness and evaluation.
  • Multi-agency and multi sector reviews.

Benefits of our approach:

  • Clarity of evaluation methods and approach.
  • Independent perspective; creating external challenge
  • Engagement of key stakeholders in the review process.
  • Reports to inform changes to service, working methods, and team working.
  • Informs decision making processes.
  • Highlights good practice and existing benefits.
  • Early warning for initiatives to change course or discontinue.


Image attribution: Wikipedia